Every classroom is filled with different types of people, each bringing unique and sometimes humorous aspects to an otherwise dull and boring setting. Here are ten types of classmates you may run into during your classroom experiences.
1. The Inquisitor– As soon as your teacher begins to go over a new concept, this student already has a question. And they keep the questions coming throughout the lecture, even when it’s time for the class to be dismissed. Do they really have that many questions? Their arms have to get tired from being up all the time.

2. The Sleeper– This is the classmate who learns with their eyes closed, head down, and mouth open. No one would dare wake them from their slumber, unless they start snoring.

3. The Screamer– The idea of raising a hand is obviously a skill this person failed to learn in elementary school. Just as you raise your hand to respond to the one question you actually know the answer to, this classmate shouts out the answer, ruining your moment to shine and gain a few brownie points. And it makes you so mad, because that was your question.

4. The Great Debater– With the presumption that they know more than the teacher, this classmate has an argument for any and every statement the teacher makes. A little healthy debate is always welcome, but this classmate doesn’t know when to sit back and stay in their lane. Every time they open their mouth, you think, “Here we go.”

5. The Peanut Gallery– As you’re sitting in class, attempting to pay attention and actually learn something, you can’t help but be distracted by the comments from the peanut gallery behind you. This group (usually composed of chatty girls) has a comment for everything and just won’t stop, leaving you to decide whether to personally shush them or wait for the teacher to do it for you.

6. The Day Dreamer– Do they show up to class? Yes. They are there physically, but not really there mentally. All of us are guilty of daydreaming at one point or another, but this person sits with a blank stare on their face and a blank notebook in front of them every class. When a teacher asks them a question, they stare blankly and ask undoubtedly ask, “What was the question?”

7. The Cookie Monster – This is the classmate that always seems to whip out a snack and start munching right in the middle of class. Part of you is annoyed by the sound of the crumbling plastic and loud chewing but part of you wonders if they’d care to share.

8. The Fashionably Late One– You’ve been sitting in class for about twenty minutes when the door opens and in waltzes one of your classmates, late as usual. You start to wonder whether or not they actually know what time the class starts or if they just don’t care.

9. The Nonexistent One– This is the classmate that was present the first day of class and hasn’t shown up since. Maybe they’ll show up on test day, maybe not. But once finals come around, they return from wherever they were and are up in the front row asking a million questions.

10. The Class Clown – There’s always your classic class clown. This jokester will stop at no means to get a laugh from the class. Whether it’s by making jokes about fellow classmates, the teacher, or even themselves, you can always count on a good laugh from him or her.

Although some of the classmates described can be annoying (or sources of free entertainment), each student brings something special to the class as a whole. And realistically, without these characters in class, that two hour period just wouldn’t be the same.
Breana Ross is a freshman studying Broadcast Journalism and Political Science. She is from Clinton, MD., loves to ice skate and dreams of being a newscaster for a major television station one day.
words_ breana ross