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Staying Healthy During Finals

Sneezing. Coughing. Aching. The last thing you want to be during finals season is sick! To do your best, you need to feel your best. Luckily, I have a few tips to beat sickness and stay healthy.  


Even though you may want to pound down another energy drink to cram for finals, sleep actually helps you retain the information you’re studying and stay energized.  

Sleep has also been proven to help your body fight off infections and reduce anxiety and stress. 

Don’t Share 

I get it! Your friend may have just ordered a new Starbucks holiday latte and you want a sip. Don’t do it. Your friend may be sick and not be showing symptoms just yet.  

You don’t want to get someone’s germs because you couldn’t resist sharing something. 


It is important to sanitize your hands after every class because you don’t know who is sitting in your seat before you and what kind of germs they may have.  

Also, make sure you are cleaning your room every so often so dust and allergens don’t get trapped, making you feel sick.  


Drink plenty of fluids… and beer doesn’t count! Dehydration causes headaches and fatigue, which could seriously distract you from getting your work done. It is recommended to drink 64 oz. of water per day.  

Disclaimer: you must be 21 to legally consume alcohol 


words_gabrielle lord

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