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South Beach Tonight?

words_katie lee.

South Beach Tonight?

These three words are conceivably the most common ones a Miami student will hear uttered around campus on any given weekend. Don’t have a fake ID? Unless you plan to have a solely fraternity-based social existence in Miami, you may have to take the effort to bother a few individuals with “hookups” so that you can enjoy the South Florida nightlife. At the University of Miami, one can almost guarantee that there will be someone around them who is ready to go out and party like they were born in ’89.

Distraction asked Chelsea [Last name withheld by request], a freshman microbiology major, to tell us about her personal experience with fake IDs.

Distraction: How did you get your fake ID?

Chelsea: A friend of a friend makes them and I did it through an email. I didn’t even meet the person.

Distraction: How long have you had your ID?

Chelsea: I had [a fake] before this one, so I’ve had one since high school, but it didn’t work down here. I’ve had my college one for a couple of months.

Distraction: How much did it cost?

Chelsea: Mine was $125 for two, but it depends where you get it.

Distraction: What state is your ID from?

Chelsea: Mine’s Pennsylvania, which I think is pretty common, but I’ve even met some kids with Florida ones!

Distraction: Who is the person in your fake ID?

Chelsea: It’s just a picture of me. Some people use their sister’s or brother’s, though.

Distraction: Has your ID ever been taken away?

Chelsea: Not yet!

Distraction: Do you only use it to get into bars and clubs or do you use it to get alcohol, too?

Chelsea: I’ve personally never used it to buy alcohol except in high school, but obviously other kids do.

Distraction: Do you think it’s necessary to have a fake ID to have a social life at UM? Why do you have one?

Chelsea: Yes. The Grove and South Beach… a lot of the social life is just that. There aren’t that many frat parties plus it’s nice to do something different, especially when it’s so close. I love to go out and experience what none of my friends at other schools can.

Distraction: Describe a funny experience you had with a fake ID.

Chelsea: I was checking into my dorm after a night out and I accidentally put my fake ID where my Cane card usually is, so when I went to give my card for it to get swiped, I handed them my fake one accidentally. Obviously it said I’m a 21-year-old – I shouldn’t be living in a freshman dorm. The card swiper shook his head and said “Try again!”

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