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Let it Grow


Are you tired of the peach fuzz invading your upper lip? Do your prickly pits bother you? Here’s a thought: why not whack those weeds? There are endless solutions to remove pesky body hair, from DIY wax strips to professional laser hair removal. Whichever route you choose to remove it, it’s important to be educated to avoid unpleasant side effects. On the other hand, what’s the right way to go about removal? If you’re one to embrace the bush, not to worry, shedding your natural coat is never a necessity.


Body Hair Has No Gender

Body hair. Like it or not, we all got it. No matter your gender, you’re born with hair all over — unless you’re some type of Barbie-like exception who was blessed with barely any.

For University of Miami freshman Bahar Arian, body hair removal has been an ongoing part of her life since her childhood. “As a Middle Eastern woman, body hair removal has been a part of my regular self-care routine since I was 10 years old.”

Our society has made many progressive efforts when it comes to accepting body hair, but we still have a lot of room to grow. With new methods for body hair removal popping up all the time, the resources are there for removal. But before our society can fully accept body hair for all its good and bad, we must first start with acknowledging the fact that body hair applies to all genders.

Body hair removal is notoriously known to be more of a pressure force when it comes to female body standards, but men, and those of other genders as well, can struggle just the same with bothersome body hair. Men, now more than ever, are becoming more comfortable with taking on methods to remove their body hair. No longer fans of the furry chest-look of the ’70s, the men of today have been taking on removal methods once only associated with women.


DIY Hair Removal

The most obvious option for at-home body hair removal is shaving. Although this one may seem self-explanatory, it’s still essential to be careful with your razor. To ensure a safe shave, always use a shaving cream or gel to reduce irritation. Also, before grabbing your razor of choice, exfoliate your skin to prepare for the shave. Make sure to use a good quality razor, since blades can dull in as soon as two to three weeks if you’re shaving every other day. Unless you’re a fan of razor burn and skin irritation, it’s best to replace your razor when it starts to show signs of dulling. Shaving might be one of the more tedious options for at-home removal, but it’s also known to be the cheapest.

If you’re not a fan of the classic shave, you’re in luck, because sugaring is the newest rave when it comes to DIY removal. Sugaring paste is simple to make and much gentler than commercial wax. You can make your own batch of sticky paste with just water, lemon juice and sugar.

Sugaring might sound sweet, but it can take a lot of practice to get it just right. Follow these steps to get started on your sugaring journey: warm the paste, spread a thin layer over the desired area against the grain, then rip the strip off your skin in the direction of the hair growth.

Hair removal creams have been a go-to for individuals seeking a low-effort option to hair removal. We’ve all taken a whiff of the cotton candy-colored Nair bottle in our mom’s shower, but this stinky hair removal solution is not meant for everyone. Also known as depilatories, hair-removal creams cause a chemical reaction in your follicles by breaking down the keratin proteins in your hairs, allowing them to dissolve. However, you should read your cream of choice’s directions and follow them carefully since every formula is different. Leaving a depilatory on for too long can cause burning and irritation to the skin.

For those little hairs crammed in tight spaces, tweezing is a suitable option for cleaning up around the edges. Start by picking a good pair of tweezers. To prepare for the plucking, make sure to wash the area you plan to pluck beforehand so you avoid annoying breakouts and ingrown hairs. Be gentle. Tweezing isn’t a big game of operation, so if a little hair won’t budge, leave it. When finished, follow up with your normal skincare products like witch hazel or gentle moisturizer.


Professional Methods

If you’ve got the budget to seek out more professional methods when it comes to body hair removal, make sure to consult a dermatologist first. Laser hair removal is one of the longest-lasting professional methods but normally has some specific requisites. For example, most individuals require many lasering sessions and you must avoid harsh environmental influences like the sun and chlorine when receiving treatments.

Victoria Turner, a local esthetician based out of Delray Beach, Fla., noted that laser is not meant for everyone. “Laser can only be done on certain skin tones and hair colors,” she said. If you choose to laser, do your research on the technicians in your area, as well as if this method will even work for you. Be warned, laser can be expensive and painful, but for some it’s totally worth the risk.

Professional waxing is also a suitable option for someone who wants a hands-free experience with hair removal. Waxing can be much less expensive than laser hair removal, but if your get wax treatments regularly for years, it could end up not being the bargain you reckoned it was. Most nail salons offer waxing services, but make sure all technicians are up to date on necessary certifications and possess appropriate waxing materials. You can also look for waxing services at esthetician offices or wax studios.

If neither of these removal methods are giving you the results you seek, it might be a good idea to ask for your doctor’s advice. They might suggest drugs that inhibit hair growth. Pills and creams exist that slow or reduce hair growth. For example, Vaniqa is an FDA-approved cream for slowing hair growth in women. Everyone’s body is different though, so make sure to consult a professional, and if prescribed, follow instructions thoroughly.


Your Body, Your Business

Whether your body hair removal process is strictly in the comfort of your own home or consists of scheduled appointments with a professional, make sure to go into your removal efforts educated. Turner, the Delray Beach esthetician, explained how imperative it is to take the right approach to removal options. “Not taking the right precautions when it comes to hair removal methods can cause continual damage to your skin,” said Turner. Each method has its own specific precautions, so make sure to conduct background checks on your DIY wax before letting her into your home.

Although you might feel naturally inclined to add hair removal to your self-care regime, it is totally not necessary to do so. For some, a part of being comfortable in one’s own skin is embracing the natural growth of body hair.

Anisah Steele, a UM junior majoring in psychology, mentioned how dealing with body hair really comes down to one’s own preference. “We should be more cognizant of people’s choices with body hair because it’s not about what society tells you to do its about what the individual prefers.” Don’t allow ancient “norms” to negatively encourage you to take concern over something so natural as body hair. It’s up to you what you do with your outer coat.


words_remi turner. photo_annie codega. design_marita gavioti.

This article was published in Distraction’s Summer 2024 print issue.


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