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Three Things To Do On Your Last Day of Classes

Clearly, the end of this semester isn’t quite what we are used to. Instead of proper goodbyes to our professors, we’ll say our “thank you’s” and click the now very familiar “leave meeting” icon. Although far from what we expected, we had to come to terms with a new normal. And now we’ve done it. So here are some easy, simple things you can do to finish the semester on a high note.

Keep one thing, clear out the rest.

Can you take on this challenge? Decide on one thing you definitely want to keep from each class. Maybe it was a test you did well on, a piece of writing you really liked — anything at all. If you think it could serve you in the future, keep it. Create a folder on your desktop and keep them there. Knowing you’re taking something valuable from each course will let you look back on the them fondly — or not so fondly — down the road.

Send a thank you note via email to your favorite professor — or all of them.

This is something I’ve been doing — although usually in handwritten format — since middle school. Though it hasn’t been easy to ask questions and connect through a screen, this is a great way to let your professors know you care and appreciate their efforts. Maybe mention a lecture you loved or some part of the course you particularly enjoyed. Either way, you’re almost guaranteed to make their day.

The “one new friend” rule.

Did you make a new friend this year in any of your classes? Some of the best friendships are the ones started through classroom small talk, from “Hey, can I borrow a pencil?” to “Did you know we had a quiz today?!” Hold onto that friendship — get their social media handles or even their number. College is all about making connections and building relationships, and your courses are such a great way to find people with similar interests. Plus, staying connected has never been as important as it is now.

Stay safe and have an amazing summer — and let’s hope we’re together again in the fall.

words_isabel tragos illustration_jess morgan

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