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( 6 Posts )

All By Myself

Sometimes, the plans never leave the group chat. Today, it’s so hard to coordinate any sort of plan with a group because we all have our own lives that come with our own dramas and conflicting schedules. However, that shouldn’t stop you from venturing out and exploring the world by you...

Sometimes, the plans never leave the group chat. Today, it’s so hard to coordinate any sort of plan with a group becau...

Hitting Close To Home

Not all adventures have to extend beyond the seven seas. There are so many sites within our own backyard to explore that’s not your typical Miami, New York, Los Angeles or Las Vegas. The total land area of the United States is 3.8 million square miles and that number increases if you inc...

Not all adventures have to extend beyond the seven seas. There are so many sites within our own backyard to explore that...

The Naked Truth: Self-Discovery Amidst Crisis

Before COVID-19, I had my feet wet in so many puddles that I didn’t have much time to work on myself. However, when the world stood still during the pandemic, I was forced to take a step back and soak in guidance from those around me. At that point in time, I did not realize how pertin...

Before COVID-19, I had my feet wet in so many puddles that I didn’t have much time to work on myself. However, when ...

Too Foreign For Home & Too Foreign For Here

Four thousand miles away from home and here we are dreaming of all the irreplaceable sensations we once took for granted. From the sizzling oil on freshly baked pastries to the piercing smell of the wild mint in our cups of tea, every ounce of our body aches to once again be in the mere ...

Four thousand miles away from home and here we are dreaming of all the irreplaceable sensations we once took for grant...

An International Student’s Tips For Surviving Long Flights

Long flights pose a challenge for millions of travelers. Although not everyone experiences high-altitude anxiety, the majority can relate to inflight boredom, especially when counting down long, aimless hours to your anticipated destination. Growing up in Brazil and various foreign count...

Long flights pose a challenge for millions of travelers. Although not everyone experiences high-altitude anxiety, the ...

Navigating South Africa

There are a lot of things to keep in mind when traveling to South Africa. In the weeks prior to my trip, my brain was flooded with questions, worries, doubts, excitement, and everything in between. I was told I needed to “pack lightly” - a concept that is rather foreign to me. From the...

There are a lot of things to keep in mind when traveling to South Africa. In the weeks prior to my trip, my brain was fl...