In the late night of deadline, EIC Sal still finds a way to get the staff's input, even if it's a little bit troubling. Whether it's to give out magazines, a student photo shoot or a little bit of both, our staff always shows out to represent Distraction. ...
In the late night of deadline, EIC Sal still finds a way to get the staff's input, even if it's a little bit troubli...
The Burger King Our in-house hand model, Sal Puma, got into character for the obesity epidemic photoshoot. The burger, as appetizing as it looks, is from the Mahoney-Pearson dining hall. photo_valeria barbaglio. Lookin' Like a Snack The denim photoshoot took pla...
The Burger King Our in-house hand model, Sal Puma, got into character for the obesity epidemic photoshoot. The burger...