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( 9 Posts )

Dine Out

Between reduced capacity policies and curfews, outdoor dining may be one of the only aspects of normalcy we have remaining in 2020. It’s a safe way to get out of the house, reconnect with friends and indulge our taste buds. Thanks to Miami’s year-round heat, we can enjoy these beauti...

Between reduced capacity policies and curfews, outdoor dining may be one of the only aspects of normalcy we have remai...

The Naked Truth: Self-Discovery Amidst Crisis

Before COVID-19, I had my feet wet in so many puddles that I didn’t have much time to work on myself. However, when the world stood still during the pandemic, I was forced to take a step back and soak in guidance from those around me. At that point in time, I did not realize how pertin...

Before COVID-19, I had my feet wet in so many puddles that I didn’t have much time to work on myself. However, when ...

College During A Pandemic: An Inside Look At UM’s Response

Amid the coronavirus pandemic, many have questioned whether colleges should be welcoming students back to campus this fall. There does not seem to be a one-size-fits-all solution. With UNC and Notre Dame already switching to fully remote learning after just one week in person, is it possi...

Amid the coronavirus pandemic, many have questioned whether colleges should be welcoming students back to campus this f...

COVID-19 And The Eve Of Election

The coronavirus pandemic, coupled with failed actions by U.S. governmental leaders, has brought our country to its knees. Whether it be the upsetting shutdown of universities or the dread of falling victim to COVID-19, we’ve all learned to fast adapt to this startling reality of locking...

The coronavirus pandemic, coupled with failed actions by U.S. governmental leaders, has brought our country to its knee...

Stay Busy, Stay Sane

Over the past five months, all our lives have drastically changed thanks to COVID-19. Suddenly, classes were moved online for the rest of the 2020 spring semester, and it’s uncertain when life will go back to how it was before as we have all begun to accept this "new normal." As we retu...

Over the past five months, all our lives have drastically changed thanks to COVID-19. Suddenly, classes were moved onli...

To Be Or Not To Be COVID-Free…

We can all agree that the COVID-19 pandemic has been the most chaotic introduction to any school year. Here we are, just two weeks before the start of classes, and half of us still don’t even know which ones we’re taking face to face or online. For the first time ever, we have the opt...

We can all agree that the COVID-19 pandemic has been the most chaotic introduction to any school year. Here we are, jus...

Too Foreign For Home & Too Foreign For Here

Four thousand miles away from home and here we are dreaming of all the irreplaceable sensations we once took for granted. From the sizzling oil on freshly baked pastries to the piercing smell of the wild mint in our cups of tea, every ounce of our body aches to once again be in the mere ...

Four thousand miles away from home and here we are dreaming of all the irreplaceable sensations we once took for grant...

Healing Well-Being: Collegiate Coping In The Time Of Coronavirus

The COVID-19 pandemic has altered our world in unimaginable ways. In response, we have incorporated new personal hygienic and social distancing practices for protection of our physical health. We wear masks and gloves to grocery stores, wash hands till our skin flakes and lock up at home ...

The COVID-19 pandemic has altered our world in unimaginable ways. In response, we have incorporated new personal hygien...

Fashion In The Pandemic – Develop Your Stay-At-Home Style

Over the past two months, we have gradually adjusted to the new reality that is living in the COVID-19 pandemic. Lugging ourselves out of bed every morning and juggling our to-do lists of responsibilities now require immense self-discipline when there’s no urgency to go anywhere or meet...

Over the past two months, we have gradually adjusted to the new reality that is living in the COVID-19 pandemic. Luggin...