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( 2 Posts )

Sandler on the Streets

Ever have those days where you can’t fathom leaving the house in anything more than a baggy pair of shorts and a graphic tee? Luckily, we have Sandlercore-style to assure us that an intentionally disheveled look is considered fashion. Comedic legend Adam Sandler expanded his repertoire o...

Ever have those days where you can’t fathom leaving the house in anything more than a baggy pair of shorts and a graph...

Vivienne Westwood

Where to start? A fashion designer, entrepreneur, revolutionary, pioneer of punk and now a subject in history textbooks. Vivienne Westwood was no ordinary fashion designer. She sought trends she could spin as her own; she was the trend starter and founder of punk, always finding new ways t...

Where to start? A fashion designer, entrepreneur, revolutionary, pioneer of punk and now a subject in history textbooks....