We’ve all heard that just a college degree may not cut it these days. With an evergrowing market of qualified applicants, most of which with a Bachelor’s degree by default, it seems there’s more to the post-college search for purpose than simple applications. Alumni, John Cuneo, Associate Systems Engineer at Cisco, noticed these barriers early on during his time at the U. He sought out and did all the “extra” they tell you about; those sometimes tedious tasks like finding a mentor, networking, and planning. Cuneo made the most of his tuition and wants everyone else to do so as well. There is so much to leverage during your time in college that can increase your return on the investment that is your tuition.
At the core lies this idea of simply being aware of your resources beyond the classroom. Just here at Miami, the school offers a plethora of career services and development opportunities that stem across all facets of education. You can develop a new skill outside of your studies, find a mentor, attend networking events and the list goes on. Whatever your goal may be, make sure you’re working toward everyday.
“Remember, rent is due every day! What are you doing today? Each and everyday’s tasks build up into accomplishing what you want to get done for the week.”
Million Dollar Tuition, Plan Ahead

Although the book mostly takes you through the requirements Cuneo deems necessary to be successful, he also understands that college isn’t all just hustle. After going through the checklist of relationships and experiences, he brings it back to whole point of it all: enjoy the ride.
“After you graduate that is it, there is no going back. Make sure that when you look back on your four years, you have many positive memories.”
Million Dollar Tuition, Enjoy The Ride
Straight and to the point, Cuneo points out that you have to work for what you want. It’s more than doing the bare minimum and everything is an opportunity – just make sure you have some fun along the way. It’s a short read that you can get through during class. A quick condensed book of instructions to keep in mind when going about your education
Million Dollar Tuition can be found on amazon (free for a limited time)