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Libya: What You Need to Know

It is crazy that in 2017, we have to talk about this. You may or may not know what has been happening in Libya. It is okay if you do not know because the mass media is not talking about this. As I repeat, it is crazy that in 2017 we have to talk about this.

Currently in Libya, there are migrant slave auctions happening. I found out about this through twitter. According to CNN, there are currently nine locations where these slave actions are happening but there are believed to be more. I am infuriated by the fact mass media is not talking about this as a bigger issue. If you are infuriated as well keep reading and you will find ways that you can help end this horrible situation. It is our duty as citizens to help others.

1. Keep tweeting, retweeting, post it in your facebook, and share it what has been happening. We may not be silent. The impact social media has in world wide issues is bigger than what we think it is, primarily in places where we cannot physically go.

2. Support the International Organization for Migration IOM is currently helping transport migrants that have been sold to get back home. To learn more check their website:

3. Make sure you strong stance on this action, and approach the United Nations on twitter (@UN) Tweet what you feel, and use the following hashtags so your tweet can approach the world and different United Nations profiles: #slavery #humantrafficking #libya #endmodernslavery

4. Sign this petition. Petitions are a great way to bring awareness to a big issue, and to approach the bigger in this matter. This petition will be delivered to the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights.

The fact that there is modern day slavery is not okay, and you should not be okay with this. I hope this has helped you find ways to end this. The best way to spread news around the world is to tell everyone you know and not be silent, and expect that things will turn better because they will not. We must keep fighting because everyone has humans rights, and we must be here in the moment. And don’t forget to share this with everyone you know. Again, slavery is not okay, HUMAN TRAFFICKING IS NOT OKAY.


words_naomy lelis.

Naomy Lelis is a freshman from Luanda, Angola. She’s majoring in journalism, a Rick and Morty fanatic, and an avid consumer of documentaries.


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