The 2010s marked the explosion of Tumblr and thus followed an era of digital transparency that influenced fashion in a way never seen before. The Tumblr culture was all about being perfectly imperfect: it became cool to be uncool. With this newfound realness in social media, “Indie Sleaze” was born.” Indie Sleaze” is the lovechild of hipsters and punk-rock. It’s messy, carefree, and effortlessly cool. Everyone looked chaotic but fun — like they just spent a week partying with an underground band you’ve never heard of. Think Vanessa Hudgens’s iconic Coachella outfits, Effy from “Skins” or even Little-J from “Gossip Girl.”

That’s Not Hot! The “Y2K” moment has come and gone and as we segway into a new fashion cycle, we’ve moved onto the 2010s. We’re now seeing a resurgence in a (perfectly curated) effortlessness. Photo dumps, spam accounts, and digital flash cameras are popular once again to show off a more “real” side of life. This new aesthetic is all about trying to look like you weren’t trying at all.

Animal print is a super easy way to get in the sleazy mood. Grab a printed item and throw it into any outfit. It’s an immediate upgrade with just one piece. Our favorites are cheetah, snakeskin, and even zebra.

Messy hair, eyeliner from last night, holes in shirts and rips in pants: any- thing that shows you’re too cool to care is the soul of “indie sleaze”. This is the return of graphic tees, tanks and skinny jeans, and anything ripped. Jay Hurst (right) looks effort- less and cool throwing on a brown leather jacket over a white tank top and blue jeans.

Urban Outfitters is a great way to get the sleaze-look in the Dadeland mall. If you’re shopping on a budget and wanting to stay on campus, UThrift and Raygs are affordable and convenient options. UThrift is every Wednesday, and Raygs is every Thursday.

Sometimes, more is more. “Indie sleaze” wouldn’t be “indie sleaze” without the excessive use of accessories. Gaudy, chunky, in your face, metallic jewelry is a must. Jalen Fertig (right) is layering silver rings and chains. Other accessories include scarves, pearls, and hats (yes, fedoras and beanies are back).

The core of “indie sleaze” is all about throwing pieces together that traditionally wouldn’t match, but somehow just work. Isa Márquez sports an animal print shirt and leather vest: contrasting materials that create an unexpected look when paired.

Layering shirts, oversized jackets, jewelry, tights, and other pieces is also an easy and effective way to showcase your individuality. Unique or vintage pieces also work particularly well. Cindy layers up a red faux fur coat with a leather dress, belt, and fishnet tights.
words_kelly bramson. photo_daniella pinzón. design_isa márquez.
This article was published in Distraction’s Winter 2022 print issue.
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