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For the Love of Fashion, Bring Us a Stylish Guy


We were on a hunt, a fashion quest if you will. And we have finally found the man we sought. Christian Smith may just be the most fashionable guy on campus. While he is abroad this semester enjoying Spain’s relaxed fashion style, we still had the chance to interview this guy to find out his opinions on anything you’ve ever wanted to know about men’s fashion. When he is on campus, you can find Christian “fashion stalking” outside of Starbucks fulfilling his obsession with either a coffee or green tea.

Distraction Online: How do men’s and women’s fashion differ?
Christian Smith: Women are much less afraid to try new things when it comes to their wardrobe, so trends in women’s fashion change seasonally. Men are much more hesitant to venture out of the box, so trends in men’s fashion don’t change as quickly, if at all. The black cocktail dress might be in one season and out the next. The black suit has been in for decades and doesn’t seem to be going anywhere.

DO: Men’s warehouse – a do or don’t?
CS: Hmmm…well I can’t say I’ve ever been in a Men’s Warehouse, so I guess for me it’s a don’t. I’m sure they have some things worth buying, but I’m always hesitant to buy something, especially a suit, at discount stores. The styles tend to be generic and made for the masses as opposed to tailored to an individual’s style.

DO: Do you have any staple wardrobe pieces?
CS: The one thing in my wardrobe that I couldn’t do without is my pair of brown wingtips. They’re the best shoes because they work for almost any type of activity. If I’m just hanging out with friends, I can wear them with jeans and a t-shirt. If I’m going to a nice event, I can wear them with a nice suit. I’ve worn them so much that the sole is all but gone.

DO: If you had $1000 to spend on any piece, what would you buy?
CS: I’m torn on this one because there are so many things I’d want to buy. My initial instinct was to say a suit, but if I were really going big on a suit, it would probably be more than $1000. So with the suit option out of the picture, I would probably buy a Burberry trench coat. It’s a classic look that every guy should have.

DO: What’s hot right now in men’s fashion?
CS: There are two trends right now in men’s fashion that I like. One is the fine patterned shirt. You see a lot of guys, especially in NYC and Europe, with casual dress shirts that are polka-dotted or have cool little symbols like arrows or anchors. The other trend I really like is the rolled up pant; it not only looks good, but it also makes you look taller.

DO: Do real men wear pink?
CS: The whole men-wearing-pink hype is quite funny to me. Unless you’re wearing pink to raise awareness for breast cancer, you’re really not making any sort of profound statement, positive or negative. Pink is just a color, and as with all other colors, if it makes you look good — wear it. If it doesn’t suit you — don’t.

DO: You see baggy pants. What’s your first thought?
CS: Please for the love of God will someone buy this man a belt? Haha, but really, I just don’t get it. Why would you buy pants that purposefully don’t fit?

DO: What if those pants are Michael Kors showcased at NYFW? Still the same thought?
CS: Absolutely. I don’t like everything that comes off the runways at NYFW, which is what I like about fashion. It all comes down to personal tastes and being a bit different from everyone else.

questions_alyssa jacobson. photos_kelly smith.

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