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Fitness Resources For Rocking Your 2020 Resolutions

As the new year begins, adults will undoubtedly find themselves reflecting on their physical and nutritional health. Many will evaluate the progress made on their fitness journey from the previous year, while others will resolve to finally begin their journey in 2020.

Building sustainable, healthy habits are no easy task, but don’t be discouraged; budding fitness enthusiasts can meet their goals simply by expanding their knowledge of their bodies and general nutrition.

Luckily, there are many free resources for this purpose. Whether you prefer to binge-watch YouTube videos all day or listen to podcasts on your way to work, you can find the perfect fitness broadcast for your schedule.

Keep in mind that not all information is created equal and the validity of advice on the Internet can be tricky to evaluate. Still, lots of credible and useful resources exist online for people looking to better themselves. 

Here is my list of free fitness resources for individuals of all abilities that are well-reviewed. Wherever you are on your fitness journey, these resources can provide education, workout plans, meal ideas and tracking services to help you level up in 2020.

YouTube: Athlean-X

Celebrity trainer and former New York Mets physical therapist Jeff Cavaliere has been pumping out some of the most beneficial, instructional videos about fitness and nutrition on YouTube for years. Cavaliere, who touts a master’s degree in physical therapy from the University of Connecticut, is recognized by his tag line: “Putting the science back in strength.” In his 100+ YouTube videos, fitness enthusiasts will find workout plans, meal ideas, myth busters and tutorials on a variety of fitness exercises. Each video offers both the method and the physiology behind what they are doing and why they are doing it.

Podcast: World’s Fittest Podcast

Strongman and author Ross Edgely, best known for over-the-top athletic feats like completing an Olympic Triathlon with a 100-pound tree on his back, outlines the basic biological rules that govern fitness in his podcast series. In each 30-65 minute podcast, Edgely draws from scientific principles and personal experience to explain the basic tenets of movement, strength, fat loss, dieting and more. Listeners should start with episode one and continue in chronological order, as each installment builds on principles laid out in the previous episode. Edgely’s past athletic endeavors have pushed boundaries of what the human body can do. His podcast is based on his book, “The World’s Fittest Book,” and conveys Edgely’s practice in a manner that’s intriguing and easy to follow.


Remember those yellow rubber bracelets that were all the rage in elementary school? Yes, that is Livestrong by Lance Armstrong. These days Armstrong’s brand isn’t known for attire. His website, however, is a wealth of information for athletes and fitness enthusiasts of all levels. Featuring multiple sections on weight loss, nutrition and getting fit, offers a variety of well-researched information about topics from the ketogenic diet to CrossFit. Workouts and recipes can be found easily as well as up-to-date fitness news covering topics related to health and wellness.

App: MyFitnessPal

For many athletes, tracking progress is an essential step towards reaching fitness goals. MyFitnessPal, powered by athletic apparel brand UnderArmour, makes keeping a digital fitness diary easy and affordable. This free app allows users to record their meals, weight, workouts and daily steps via Apple Health. Whether your goal is weight loss, gain or retention, MyFitnessPal uses your height, weight and activity level to determine your ideal daily caloric intake. From there, recording food is easy: the nutritional information for thousands of foods and ingredients, including dishes and groceries from participating restaurants and supermarkets, is preprogrammed into the app’s database. MyFitnessPal can track your daily macronutrients, calculate calories burned from exercise and notify you when sodium or sugar intake is too high. The app can even connect you to other users via the “friends” feature and connects to the MyFitnessPal blog, a sharing page of  health and workout tips.

Whether you’re training to climb a rope the height of Mount Everest like Mr. Edgely or lacing up your first pair of running shoes, these free fitness tools can help you get there. Our physical and mental health has a massive impact on our lives. Taking care of our well-being is one of the best holiday gifts we can give ourselves.

words_ kylea henseler photo_ bruno nascimento on Unsplash

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