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Energy Hacks

Tired of being a caffeine addict? We are too.  

In a world dominated by Starbucks and sleep deprivation, it might slip your mind that caffeine is not our only source of energy. There are lots of natural, healthier ways to receive that jolt of energy to keep us going. Here are our favorite tips and tricks for staying alert and energized. 


Chia seeds:  
 Dark Chocolate:
 Cayenne Pepper: 




Stretching and Yoga 

 DIY Energy Drinks

The Fire Hydrant

This simple drink literally is a glass a water, a slice of lemon and a pinch of pepper. The lemon and cayenne add the zest you need to kick start your day, and the water will help you keep hydrated and healthy.  

The Chill-Zone 

 Coconut water is a classic refreshment, especially in Miami where we have coconuts literally falling from the sky. To make this energizing treat, blend lime and lemon juice with the coconut water then add the salt and honey. Blend until the honey is dissolved and enjoy your treat! 

 Cranberry Bomb 

 As a viable option for sports drinks, the cranberry bomb is made by the one step process of mixing the ingredients, we know you don’t want to exert any more energy after working out.  






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