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Easy Steps to Wake Up Flawless

Healthy skin does not require a $400 trip to the dermatologist or a facial that feels like Edward Scissorhands is taking a jab at your epidermis. You don’t have to forgo chocolate forever and you can definitely pass on the Proactiv. However, it does require a commitment, but with a few alterations to your regimen and some habit adjustments, it’s possible to attain it. While there is not a universal skincare system for everyone, there are methods we can all adopt.

Keep Hydrated

This applies to both your skin and your body. Make sure your cleanser isn’t stripping your skin of natural oils (a fragrance-free or all-natural one might be the way to go) and exfoliate once a week to shake off any stubborn skin cells.

Moisturizer is something most people tend to opt out on, but it’s essential for that glowy look. And if you didn’t already have an incentive to, water has been proven to impact the texture of your skin, so keep a bottle of it close by.


Notice how your skin always seems to flare up around finals? It’s not really because of your poor sleeping habits and substantial coffee intake (though those play a strong role, too). The effects  of stress go beyond your mental sanity and leave a physical imprint on your skin. Cortisol, the stress hormone, increases your skin’s oil production, which can lead to whiteheads and clogged pores. Try to incorporate stress-reducing activities into your daily agenda such as warm baths, long runs, massages, Netflix binges– whatever does it for you.

Switch to Silk

No one wants their face to be contoured by their pillowcase. Forgo your rough cotton pillowcases and trade them in for silk ones. Traditional fabrics lead to those much-detested morning lines and creases, which is the equivalent of painting on wrinkles. Make sure you select 100 percent silk cases, (though those can usually get expensive) and wash your pillowcases at least twice a week.

Use Sunscreen

This one seems pretty self-explanatory, but it can’t be emphasized enough. We live in Miami, where the sun’s rays seem to hit a little harder and everyone always wants to be tanner. You might be sporting a bronze, dewy look one day, but in time, that glow will fade into dark spots and wrinkles. So sunscreen is necessary; preferably one over SPF 30 and that’s non-comedogenic so it won’t clog your pores.

Eat Consciously 

Treat your skin from the kitchen; no overpriced moisturizer required. Some skin problems are triggered by nutritional deficiencies or poor eating habits. Add fish to your diet, especially salmon and sardines, which are packed with antioxidants and fight inflammation. Vegetarians or picky eaters can also incorporate a fish oil vitamin and reap the same benefits too.

words. asmae fahmy. photo. rori kotch.

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