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Captain America: Civil War

Since Marvel’s next film is just around the corner, let’s take a closer look at their most recent summer blockbuster one last time. Captain America: Civil War is by far their best movie at the moment – in fact, the Captain America series has always been one step higher than its Avenger’s cast. This political thriller disguised as superhero movie does what Batman vs. Superman couldn’t – it makes us care.

Captain America Civil War is now available on Blu-Ray and Digital HD. Source: The Walt Disney Company.

For a moment there, during that last two-on-one fight scene between Cap, Bucky, and Iron Man, I actually believed one of them would die. Although there was no death, there was a loss. With Cap dropping his shield at the end, is he no longer Captain America? Is he now just Steve?

This post-review is going to focus mainly on the other characters that were new. You know, those two guys that have a film coming soon.

Spider-man: Homecoming will star Tom Holland as Peter Parker/Spider-man. This will be the third remake of the classic comic book, to be released on July 7, 2017. Source: The Walt Disney Company.
Black Panther is the newest member of the Marvel universe after making his appearance in Captain America: Civil War. The character will have his own movie in November of 2017. Source: The Walt Disney Company.

Commendations – there were so many great things about this movie that I had to make a list of it all:

Looking ahead, Dr. Strange seems sort of like a game changer. Up until now, Marvel has focused its efforts on the Sci-Fi aspect of these characters. Now it seems they’re ready to introduce the magical side that just might have us in for a trip this November.

Captain America Civil War is now available on DVD and Blu-Ray. 

Jorge Chabo is a sophomore majoring in Economics BA. He’s from Miami, heavily into politics, and enjoys going to the movies.

words_jorge chabo.

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