Since Marvel’s next film is just around the corner, let’s take a closer look at their most recent summer blockbuster one last time. Captain America: Civil War is by far their best movie at the moment – in fact, the Captain America series has always been one step higher than its Avenger’s cast. This political thriller disguised as superhero movie does what Batman vs. Superman couldn’t – it makes us care.

For a moment there, during that last two-on-one fight scene between Cap, Bucky, and Iron Man, I actually believed one of them would die. Although there was no death, there was a loss. With Cap dropping his shield at the end, is he no longer Captain America? Is he now just Steve?
This post-review is going to focus mainly on the other characters that were new. You know, those two guys that have a film coming soon.
- Spider-Man: Alright let’s face it, Tom Holland as the web head has to be the best cinematic version of the character yet. Apologies to the previous two, McGuire will always be a classic and Garfield, well at least you tried. (I kind of liked him to be honest.) However, here we stand with a young, funny, and nerdy Peter who’s just trying to save Queens while still managing to get his homework done. The personality paired with those awesome fight sequences have us all excited for what’s to come in Homecoming.

- Black Panther: Besides the wall crawler, one of my favorite heroes of the film was really Black Panther. Chadwick Boseman’s stellar portrayal of T’Challa left me wanting more. What really shined were the fight sequences in which the Panther’s fighting style actually had a primal feel to it. If you take a closer look, you can see him pouncing during his battles. Also, his assistant’s brief interaction with Black Widow had me shook to see her again soon. Although the film is still a long way off, our introduction to him in Civil War was one that didn’t feel forced, but instead fit just right.

- Black Widow: Civil War, she more than deserves it. I can already picture it: A James Bond style spy film where Romanoff is forced to go solo on a mission to retrieve vital information. Possibly on the infinity stones we still know nothing about. (We know enough as the Vision knows about his own gem) Her mixed feelings about fighting Cap proves that she is way more than a side character. Black Widow has become an essential part of the Avengers team.
- Winter Soldier: I’m just putting this out there: Bucky is awesome. The Winter Soldier is easily on my list for top Marvel characters. Not only do I want to see him again, I have to.
Commendations – there were so many great things about this movie that I had to make a list of it all:
- Zemo: The most successful Marvel Cinematic villain so far, and he’s not even out of this world.
- Dialogue: One thing I do love about having these heroes together is all their jokes and bantering. Civil War turned it up a notch, making it very emotional. (Cue Tony – “So was I”)
- Iron Man PTSD: I appreciate the fact that Stark continuously finds himself struggling to decide whether he’s doing the right thing. It’s always been one of the most humanizing factors of Iron Man since the very first film.
- That Comic Book Scene: Iron Man shoots straight into Captain America’s Shield. Enough said.
Looking ahead, Dr. Strange seems sort of like a game changer. Up until now, Marvel has focused its efforts on the Sci-Fi aspect of these characters. Now it seems they’re ready to introduce the magical side that just might have us in for a trip this November.
Captain America Civil War is now available on DVD and Blu-Ray.
Jorge Chabo is a sophomore majoring in Economics BA. He’s from Miami, heavily into politics, and enjoys going to the movies.
words_jorge chabo.