Ah, Autumn. That beautiful time when the leaves change, the air gets cool…and Oktoberfest blissfully arrives. Come celebrate that glorious time of beer drinking and brautwurst eating at the Second Annual Oktoberfest Brickell at Miami Circle! The event takes places Friday October 5th (6pm to Midnight), Saturday October 6th (2pm to Midnight) and Sunday October 7th (2pm to 10pm) at 401 Brickell Avenue. General Admission is $10 pre-paid and $15 at the door, and guests will enjoy traditional German beer ($6-$8) and delicacies ($4-$12). With traditional German beers like Radeberger Pilsner, Hövels Original, and Schöfferhofer Weizen, you’ll be a true Deutscher in no time. For tickets and information, check out Brickell Bier Garden’s website.
words_kristen calzadilla. photo_courtesy of Brickell Bier Garden.