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Best Food Trends of 2014

Freshmen Carly Huffman and Emily Bajalia show off their favorite snacks inspired by the most popular food trends of 2014, Sriracha and hummus.

Every year, trends flow in and out of popularity – whether they’re new social media sites, fashion fads, or a hip new veggie. Staying in the know is important for us college kids, and finding foods that satisfy our cravings (and budgets) is a big deal. From power foods to hot sauce, here’s what’s been trending for the past year and a peek at what we’ll see in 2015.

Kale: Kale takes the cake for the hottest food trend of last year. Whether we used it to replace lettuce in a salad, mix into omelets, or just ate it on its own, kale brings a totally new flavor into the veggie world. Marissa Bell, a senior studying advertising, says that different cooking methods can affect kale’s taste. “I usually cook it with sweet potatoes and chickpeas,” she said. “Or I’ll sauté it with garlic and eat it plain like that.”

Kale has become so popular that it can even be found in the Stanford-Hecht Dining Hall.

Hummus: Roasted pine nut, spicy red pepper, pesto, guaca-hummus…the list goes on and on of the different varieties. Luckily, hummus is both healthy and tasty, so those who eat through an entire tub with a bag of Stacy’s chips can indulge guilt-free. It also works great as a quasi-sauce in a wrap.

Sriracha: Sriracha exploded in popularity about a year ago and brought all spicy food lovers to their knees. Major companies like Subway and Pizza Hut have even incorporated Sriracha into their menus. It’s a great topping because a little goes a long way (your mileage may vary based on your tolerance for spice), and it’s a great way to add excitement to an otherwise plain dish, like broccoli or chicken and rice.

Gluten free: Whether it’s because more people developed Celiac disease or more people simply wanted to cut wheat out of their diet, gluten-free recipes have popped up everywhere. PF Chang’s has always had gluten-free options on the back of their menus, but more restaurants are catering to this need, and certain companies, like Angry Orchard and Barilla, have begun to sell gluten free products, as well.


What’s upcoming in 2015?

Zucchini: Zucchini is an up-and-coming veggie, as more people are discovering fun ways to cook with it. Instead of slicing it like other vegetable, junior Jacqueline Greger eats it as a “boat.” “I cut it in half, and bake it with a cheese or sauce,” she said. “I treat it like a pizza, or I shave it into noodles and use it as a pasta.”

Pizza: Pizza has always been, and will hopefully always be, a timeless meal. Recently, though, more pizza joints have been serving up than your standard cheese, pepperoni and meat lover’s. Gourmet and unusual pizza combinations have emerged. A la Lokal and ROKBRGR for burgers, these odd-topping pizzas are gaining popularity. Check out Harry’s Pizzeria in the Design District.

Local foods: College students are taking more of an interest in healthier foods (see kale trend), and locally grown is a great label to focus on. Locally grown food is both healthy and environmentally friendly, so you can feel good about what you’re eating.

 words_alexa pappas. photos_yili wu.

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