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A Behind the Scenes Look at Distraction’s Print Fashion Shoot

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We interviewed Distraction Magazine’s Fashion Editor Gabrielle Mottaz for the inside scoop on the latest issue. Check out her perspective on how to rock some daring Fall trends, Miami style:

Distraction Online: You styled the model for the cover of this issue. What was the inspiration?
Gabrielle Mottaz: The cover image was chose to represent Miami in a recognizable way. I was really happy to get the chance to style the cover with the concept being very vintage.

DO: What was the inspiration behind the fashion spread?
GM: For the fashion spread this issue, we wanted to do something edgy and sleek. Living in Miami, we are always blessed with warm weather, but we do miss out on fun Fall fashion trends. We tried to represent some of these in an edgy Miami way.

On Misty: One Piece: American Apparel, American Apparel Stores. Track Pants: The Hanger, Blush Boutique. Belt: Blush Boutique. Cuff: Forever 21.

DO: Any funny behind-the-scenes moments?
GM: The shoot was fun, but, of course, very hectic. We were shooting in an apartment in Casa Moderna. While we were shooting, the owner of the apartment and some of his friends were casually enjoying football Sunday. They were so into the games they barely noticed us!

DO: What is your favorite piece from the shoot and why?
GM: My favorite piece was either the one-piece feature with a blazer or the leather pants paired with the black crop top. The one-piece is from Monc Boutique in Sunset and the pants are from Blush Boutique, which is also in Sunset. I really love the dynamic print on the one-piece, and the leather pants are so different and daring.


On Misty: One Piece, Monc Boutique. Blazer: BCBG, BCBG Stores. Necklaces: Blush Boutique. Booties: Model’s Own. On Taylor: Suit: Hugo Boss, Hugo Boss Stores. Shirt: Model’s Own. Tie: Hugo Boss, Hugo Boss Stores.

DO: What else can we expect to read about in this edition’s fashion section?
GM: I love the article about bringing Fall fashion to Miami in this edition of Distraction. One of the things I miss most about home is wearing sweaters, boots, leggings and jackets. Dressing for Fall in Miami is a challenge!

Be sure to check out the full fashion stories as well as campus street style shots in the latest issue of Distraction, on stands now.

words_libby jacobson. photos_kelly smith


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