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5 Ways to Take the Stress Out of Finals Week

It’s finals week again… which means an absurd amount of projects are due and tons of studying is to be done. It wouldn’t be so unbearable if it weren’t for that gut wrenching, tear jerking, head pounding emotion we call “stress”. To make things a little easier this time around, here are five of the best tips to cope with all your finals anxiety.

 1. Get Exercise. You don’t need to complete a vigorous, hour-long workout. Something as simple as taking a walk can diminish your stress. Exercise not only releases endorphins that boost your mood, but it also leaves you energized, which might be the second wind you’ll need to keep studying.



2. Eat Healthy. Many of us eat our feelings as a comfort strategy, but don’t let that be an excuse to take a 12-count box of Misha’s Cupcakes to the face. Well-nourished bodies are able to cope with stress more efficiently, so make sure you are eating a balanced diet leading up to your tests.



3. Watch Your Caffeine. Although making that second pot of coffee is so tempting during your study time, studies show that consuming excessive amounts of caffeine lead to a major crash in your energy levels and mood. Try to keep your coffee intake to a reasonable 3 cups per day, and you’ll be golden.



 4. Meditate. Especially during a time as stressful as finals week, taking 10 minutes out of your day to clear your mind might benefit you significantly in the long run. If you don’t know how to meditate, the student-run organization Miami Mindfulness can guide you through it!



5. Go To Bed. All-nighters, as fun as they are, may be hurting you more than helping you. Studies show that lack of sleep causes you to think irrationally and less clearly than if you’re well rested. Adequate sleep fuels the body and mind, so skip that morning Red Bull and go to bed instead!



Originally from Bradenton, Florida, Natalie Marciniak is a senior at the University of Miami majoring in public relations with a minor in entrepreneurship. She is proficient in French and conversational Spanish, and currently lives in Coral Gables where she freelances in addition to completing her degree. 

words_natalie marciniak.

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